Saturday, November 22, 2008


Here's the pictures from this week!

These were taken at Mr. BYU. In the bottom picture, you can kind of see them dressed in their sportswear... the Harry Potter guy is the sixth from the right. One guy had a little basketball hoop taped to his head, and another dressed up as Hansel from Zoolander, and he had a little scooter. :]
This was outside the theater, waiting for them to let us in to see Twilight. Julie was doing her Calculus homework while we were waiting. :]
Krista wasn't too happy that it was so cold. :]
Somers practically froze to death, so we had to huddle together for warmth.
I had leftoever whipped cream when I was making the blueberry surprise, so Mallory made a little boat with sailors out of a frozen mango slice, frozen blueberries, and a frozen grape. :}
This is Dejango, Dustin's toy poodle. He's fully grown. :]
Oh, he's so cute!!!
Our Thanksgiving dinner table!
This was taken after Julie came back from a date with Alan... and he kissed her for the first time. She was so excited, she couldn't stop smiling.
She is just too cute! She kept laughing and jumping up and down, she was so excited.

That's all of the pictures I have from this weekend!


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