Sunday, January 24, 2010

Another New Semester

So I realized that I haven't posted in quite some time, so I thought I'd do a little update. :)

This semester is proving to be exhausting. It's only the end of the third week and already I want it to be over. Not that I don't like my classes--I love all of them except family finance, and that one I have to hate just on principle because it involves math. :P The rest of my classes are great, they're just... very time consuming. So I find myself burnt out on Tuesday and wanting the weekend to be there already. But oh well. I just have to plug through it. :)

My job was also cancelled for this semester, which was a disappointment. I had been looking forward to the paychecks, but apparently not enough professors in Hong Kong wanted to participate in the program, so they cancelled it last minute on us. And by that point, any on campus jobs I might have been able to do had been filled. Soooo... I'm kind of stuck jobless due to my lack of transportation.

However, I am making a little cash (and when I say little, I mean LITTLE) doing makeup. I've just been doing makeup for Mack's little sister whenever she has high school dances, and I get paid for it. I keep thinking I should make a facebook group or something to advertise, I just haven't yet. :P

Let's see, what else has been going on? Hm...

Well... the first week of school, I had an entirely different schedule than I have now. I think I only kept like, two of the original seven classes I signed up for. :P Now I have Family Finance, Japanese Literature (which is my favorite class right now), CRV (collaboration, research, and visualization. its a prerequisite for the Media Arts major), Intro to Film (which is my second favorite class), and Residential Landscape Design. They're all very interesting, but three of them are AT LEAST two hours long. One is two and a half. And all of those fall on Tuesday. So... I have class from 9 AM till 6:30 PM, and it gets quite tiring. So only two of my classes this semester are regular 50 minute classes.

Let's see... this past week, I did a lot of schoolwork... and... uh.... Wow. My social life seems to have stopped this semester. :P Well, we did watch Monty Python and the Holy Grail last night. And... what did I do earlier in the week? Hm... I believe we watched another movie earlier this week... oh, Scott and I went out for ice cream one night... and... Yeah. I think that's about it. :P

Oh, two weeks ago I had an ultrasound. That was fun. It was cool seeing my insides. :) But apparently I hadn't drunk enough water before I came in, so they made me down two huge cups of nasty lukewarm water that made me want to throw up, and then they stuck me out in the hall for a half hour to get it through my system. In that time, I ended up playing with a little two year old boy and his four year old sister while they were waiting for their seven year old sister to finish with her x-rays. The mom looked a little worn, cause she had a newborn with her too, so one of the receptionists in radiology gave the kids crayons and printed out some coloring book pages, and then I colored with the kids and tried to keep them entertained. They were pretty cute, and it distracted me a bit from the fact that I felt like I was going to pee my pants. :P Then I went back in, had the gel goo stuff squirted on me for a third time, and saw my insides. :) And then I was told that my cysts were completely gone. So. That's good. :)

Other than that... not much else has been going on. Last weekend we had a Strange Brew party at our apartment, and that was a lot of fun. James was down for the weekend, so we decided we wanted to have the party while he was here. So we watched Strange Brew and drank IBC rootbeer (in the bottles. We had to look legit. :P), and we invited some people from the ward. So that was a lot of fun. Afterwards, some of us played Catch Phrase until curfew. So... a rather enjoyable night :) James and I watched Dune that Friday night while mostly everyone was at a volleyball game, cause neither of us are really sports people, and we know that none of them are truly nerdy enough to appreciate Dune. :P Sunday we watched O Brother Where Art Thou? over at Coventry, which is a fantastic movie. :) And... Monday was a day off (Martin Luther King Jr. Day), so that morning James, Mal, and I watched some cartoons before he took off to head back up to Logan (he's an FHE daddy, so he had to be back in time for that :P). And then I believe I spent the rest of the day doing homework and such. :P

Hm... Well, I don't think there's much else to say. It snowed a little bit this weekend, so that was really pretty. And... yeah. I just have a lot of homework to do. So... I should probably get to that, since I think we might be watching Back to the Future at some point tonight. :)