Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Halloween Party/Makeup Galore

Well, this past weekend was busy busy busy... at least, it was for my brush and I. Our stake Halloween party was this past Saturday, and I was recruited to do my roommates' makeup for their costumes. Not just any makeup, but costume makeup, of which I have NO experience with. I spent many hours with each of them, experimenting and trying to find something that looked at least halfway decent with their costumes. And what better costume for me, who had no time to find one, can there be besides a makeup artist? And so I quickly hurried to get ready, do my OWN makeup, and then rushed to finish everyone else's. I had a two hour block of time for this, because we had our first cleaning check (for REAL this time) at 5, and the party started at 7. So really, less than two hours. We ended up being an hour late... :]

Here's Krista as a pretty little fairy... You can't tell in the picture, but she's absolutely COVERED in glitter. And those wings ended up getting annoying during the dance, because she kept hitting everyone in the face with them. We all came to the conclusion that wings+dances=bad idea.
Here is the lovely Mallory as Moaning Myrtle. I think she wins hands down in terms of best costume. She was so funny, because she'd try to get into character, but then start laughing. Krista took a great picture of her sitting in her room in the dark in front of her laptop, so the light was shining on her pale face and she was just glaring at us. Best picture ever! I wish I had it...
Julie was a celebrity... no celebrity in particular, just a celebrity. She actually ended up wearing my pair of gold knee high boots instead of the shoes in this picture. Her makeup was the easiest to do, because it was really light and just normal everyday makeup instead of costume makeup.
Here's me as a makeup artist... Oh yeah. Such a creative costume. I have some makeup brushes in my back pocket...
Somers as Batman... or Batgirl... there were actually quite a few people who dressed up as Batman. Somers was very sad that she wasn't the only Batman. There were also three Jokers and one Scarecrow. The Scarecrow guy was the best in my opinion. He had the bag exactly right and everything! And the Joker that he was with the was the best Joker out of the three of them. :]
Here's our group all together before we left for the party...
We met up with Scott at the party... His shirt says "I'm cool." That was his costume. :]
McKenzie didn't come to the party with us--she was with Dustin, her boyfriend, while he was getting his wisdom teeth removed. Ouchies. However, last weekend Dustin took her to Salt Lake City for dinner as a belated birthday present, and she had me do her makeup and help her get ready. We went to the mall to pick out an outfit and find accessories, and she asked me for all sorts of tips on how she should do her hair and whatnot. It's weird--my apartment seems to think I'm some sort of fashion guru and so they come ask me for tips. It's definitely flattering, but also slightly amusing that they all come running to me when they need help deciding what to wear. I asked them why they thought I knew so much and the general response was, "Well, you dress nicely, you can do makeup well, and you live in California." I didn't know what the correlation between California and me being fashionable was, but then they said, "That's where all the celebrities are, and Californians know a lot more about fashion." I kind of laughed and kindly explained to them that they were probably thinking of Beverly Hills, which was nowhere near where I lived, and just because I'm from California doesn't mean I know a whole lot more about fashion. They all just kind of shrugged and replied with, "Well, it seems like Californians are more in touch with the latest styles, and that makes you our fashion expert." It's actually kind of intimidating, what with them thinking I'm so in touch with what's stylish. It makes me want to never walk around in sweatpants... :]

Speaking of California, at Ward Prayer on Sunday, they made an announcement towards the end asking for all the people in our ward from California to please see the second counselor, Brother Steffenson, because we had some... issues. That earned a bunch of laughs from the ward. My roommates all looked at me and were like, I wonder what THAT'S about... So at the end of ward prayer I go over with the seven other Californians, and we all sit in a circle and Brother Steffenson starts off with, "Well, obviously you know what we're going to talk about." It turned out that Orem needed five Californian volunteers to go to some center and make calls to people in California and talk about Prop 8 and the effects it will have on everyone if it's not approved. During this discussion though, Brother Steffenson wanted to know what cities we were all from, because he's from LA and was curious. It turns out that there's a few people who actually live relatively close to Fremont... There was a girl was from Fresno, a guy from Modesto, a girl from Lodi (which is where I went to band reviews every year), and a guy from Sacremento. We were all kind of excited to learn that some of us had been to each other's cities before... I was the only one who'd been to ALL of them. Of course, NO ONE knew where Fremont was... even though it's like, the second largest city in all of California, square-footage-wise.

Anyways, that was our weekend. Somers made this DELICIOUS homemade chicken pot pie. It's her mother's "secret" recipe, so she won't give it to us. Boo. :]

And now I should be studying for my physics exam I have to take tonight. I'll write more later!


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