Saturday, October 18, 2008

Nocturnality and Goats

Well, this week has definitely been interesting. I've been sick for about two weeks now, and this week I somehow became nocturnal... Weird, and it didn't really work to my advantage, since all of my classes are during the day... I've also discovered that I can no longer fall asleep on my bed first--I have to fall asleep on our tiny little uncomfortable couch first (don't ask me why, I have no idea), and then when it hits about 4 AM I wake up and am so out of it that I wander to my own bed and am able to fall asleep. I think part of the reason I can't fall asleep in my bed to begin with is because its hard like a ROCK since it's frozen... Anyways, this week has been full of short days and long nights... The past two days have been particularly hard because my roommates and I have been trying to get me back on a regular sleeping schedule... they won't let me take a nap during the day, and so they figure this will make me more tired at night and I'll fall asleep... and for some weird reason it doesn't work. Once it hits about 11, I'm wide awake until 3. Odd, I know. :]

However, I am noticing that I'm able to go to sleep a bit earlier now, and that's a good sign. Also, I sound funny because my voice keeps cracking. Whoot! My roommates enjoy that a lot. :]

Today, or rather, yesterday since it's now Saturday, I spent literally 3 hours doing makeup. Tonight is our ward Halloween costume party, and all of my roommates wanted me to experiment with makeup so that we'll be ready to go today. Somers is going to be Batman--she bought a little kid's batman costume at Walmart complete with a plastic puffed up chest. It does come with a mask... but we're only allowed to have half of our face covered at the party, and so I will be creating a mask of sorts with makeup... Krista is going to be a fairy and wanted elaborate makeup with a lot of glitter, and so we had fun playing around with that. Julie and I are actually part of each other's costumes, along with Scott and Jackson. Julie is a celebrity, I am her makeup artist, and Scott and Jackson are the paparazzi. Cheap and simple, which is what we wanted. We just came up with the idea yesterday. :] And Mallory will be Moaning Myrtle from Harry Potter. I have yet to play around with her makeup, so we'll see how that goes today.

We also have our first cleaning check today at 5, so we'll be cleaning like crazy for most of the day. Right after our cleaning check we'll hurry and get ready for the party and then go, and that lasts until about 11 I believe.

Yesterday after playing around with makeup, we went over to Broadbent hall where Scott lives and played different versions of pool for a while, which was pretty fun. And then we played speed scrabble, which I am HORRIBLE at. I'm amazed at how much I like playing games here though--I've never been a big fan of playing games until I came here, and now we play games all the time!

When we came home around 1:20ish, we were planning on having another slumber party in our kitchen, but before we could pull our mattresses out and move all the furniture to the other side of the kitchen, Julie and Krista both fell asleep. And so Somers decided to go to sleep, which left Mallory and I wondering what we should do because we weren't tired at all. And McKenzie has been gone since Thursday afternoon because she went home early for the weekend. Mallory and I ended up watching Transformers, which I fell asleep in a ton of times, and that just finished about twenty minutes ago, which is probably the only reason I am still awake. I definitely won't be waking up until at least 11 today. :]

Anyways, I thought I'd post this video that we took at our last slumber party in the kitchen that I find rather hilarious. Julie worked over the summer at Filmont, a Boy Scout camp in New Mexico, and they had three goats they took care of. Which is what started this...

Mind you, this was taken at about 2:30 in the morning and we were all very tired. Very, very tired. :]

And now I shall finally go to sleep and not wake up until much, much later. :]


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