Thursday, October 30, 2008

Exciting News!


Well, there has been a lot of excitement here recently! Yesterday seemed to be the day that everyone received their mission calls (at least in Broadbent Hall they did). There were several guys over in Broadbent who found out they would be going to places like: Guatemala, Scotland, Canada, and many other countries. We were most excited to hear that Scott got his mission call, and will be going to Milan, Italy! When he opened the letter, he called his parents first, and then called Julie and got to hear about twenty minutes of us screaming in the phone. After he called his other relatives, he came over and there was a lot of jumping up and down and screaming going on. He couldn't stop smiling and he was talking about a mile a minute, I don't think I've ever seen him so excited before. He immediately went to the bookstore and bought an Italian Book of Mormon and started learning random Italian words from people. Of course the first one he learned was the word for 'battle.' Julie just rolled her eyes when he told her and said, "Of course a boy would want to learn that one first."

Anyways, there's been a lot of exciting news. There are several people going to South America, and a few to different parts of Europe. Krista and Julie have been getting texts what seems like daily from guys they knew in high school who have been receiving their mission calls. I think Krista just found out that there are three farewells this coming Sunday for guys from her stake at home.

Well, we're all definitey excited for Scott. How cool is THAT? Italy! Somers is so jealous--if she could go anywhere in the world, it would be Italy. She's always wanted to go there and cook. Scott's definitely going to be eating well on HIS mission! He leaves on January 7th for the MTC, and Julie is wanting to have us all make a road trip down to Albuquerque for his farewell. That would be awesome--the only problem is that we start classes on the 5th, the day after his farewell. And New Mexico is a 10 hour drive from Provo. But hey--if it's possible for us to drive down there and be back for classes, then that would be super cool. Of course, that'd be a LOT of traveling for me, since I'm flying back to Utah on the 3rd. Fly in on the 3rd, drive to New Mexico for 10 hours on the 3rd, and then drive 10 hours back on the 4th. Yuck! It probably won't happen since we're so crammed for time, but it would be cool if we could go to his farewell. Who knows--maybe we'll get to see him before he goes into the MTC, since it's right down the street. :]

Anyways, so that was the awesome news for yesterday. The rest of the day was pretty relaxed--we didn't do too much, other than go to class and do homework. Blech! But we did watch The Prestige last night, which was amazing! I loved it! However, we started the movie at 12:30 because we tend to be stupid when it comes to watching movies. We look at the clock and go, oh it's only midnight, its not that late. Of course, we forget that it'll be 2 by the time the movie FINISHES. So we started the movie really late and then went to bed at about 2:30ish. We're smart. :]

And today we're going to Brother McQuarrie's house to (hopefully) watch When A Stranger Calls. However, there's been some confusion and we might actually be watching Step Up 2... which we've already watched. And it's not a scary movie, which will break our scary movie per night streak. So hopefully we can watch When a Stranger Calls. Brother McQuarrie was so excited when we asked if we could mooch off of his richness and use his big screen TV with surround sound. Apparently he's so excited that students from the ward would actually ask him if they could come over, and so he's like, buying snacks and all this stuff for us, and he and his wife are going to watch the movie with us. We all feel bad that he's spending money on us, but when we told him not to, he jsut waved us off and told us he wanted to. So... I guess we're getting snacks and a movie :]

I haven't had the chance to really talk to the members of our bishopric much, but on the occasions I do, they all seem very friendly and fun. Brother McQuarrie loves to just talk with groups of students about random things. At Thanksgiving Point he even tried to help us force Julie and Krista into the haunted corn maze. :] Brother Steffenson is pretty neat too. He's from LA, and so he loves to talk to us students from California. He brings his daughter to ward prayer every Sunday, and she's so cute! And then Bishop Franco is pretty fun too. His house is HUGE. It's a four car garage (and he has five cars), and the house just goes on forever. When he found out I was from Fremont, he got really excited, because he's from Niles, and so he kept asking me if I knew where this street was, and that street was. I actually know the street where he lived... weird. :] He started his own business in Niles and then moved to Utah and built his ginormous house, since, of course, its cheaper to build a house in Utah.

Anyways, they all seem very neat and we're definitely excited to go to Brother McQuarrie's house tonight. We never really appreciated being in a HOME before until now, when we're stuck in this tiny apartment.

There's only six more weeks of the semester! It's crazy how quickly it's gone by, and I'm excited for this semester to be over so that I can start my new classes. As much as I LOVE my GE classes that bore me half to death, I'm really excited to start some of my editing minor classes. And I'm excited for a break! We looked at our calendar, and we don't EVER have a break, other than the two days for Thanksgiving and the two weeks or so for Christmas. Not even a three day weekend. Lame... Anyways, so I'm definitely excited for Thanksgiving break when I can come home and see everyone!!!

I miss you all!


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Thanksgiving Point


Well, I have no idea why this is all underlined... and I don't know how to change it, so it's staying like this. :] Well, last night was SO much fun! In place of FHE, our ward went to Thanksgiving Point. We started off by going through the corn maze (in the shape of David Archuletta's face). We finished it so quickly (on accident-we stumbled across the exit not even realizing we were at the front of the maze) and decided to keep going through it a second time. We still finished it pretty quickly (on accident again...). :]
This is on top of one of those little lookout bridges in the corn maze... It was super windy and cold up there. And I think I look REALLY old in this picture...
This was taken after we got out of the maze. On the left is Alan, a guy from our ward who hung out with us last night. He and Somers looke hilarious :]
This was on the hay ride... I'd never been on a hay ride before, and they were having a lot of fun making fun of me for it. :]
The corn in Mallory's hands are from the David Archuletta corn maze... she brought them home with her, and she says she's going to make a mosaic out of the kernels and make his face... She's pretty much obsessed with him. She was so proud of herself for "taking David Archuletta's face" home... :]
This was probably the coolest pumpkin I have ever seen. :] There was this huge tower of insanely detailed pumpkins. Some of them had the tiniest little slices and they were so intricate, it was amazing.
There was a random wooden train in the middle of the field... and so Julie and Somers decided to climb through it.
Somers' head peeking out of the top of the train...
This is Eric on the top and Alan on the bottom. They're from our ward. I'd never met them, but they've talked to Julie and Krista before, and so they decided to tag along with us. On Thursday we're going with them to Brother McQuarrie's house (our second counselor in the bishopric) to watch When A Stranger Calls on his big screen TV with surround sound :]
Our lovely pyramid in the middle of Thanksgiving Point. On the bottom right is Kelsey, one of the girls in our FHE group.
Our little group at Thanksgiving Point, minus Mallory and I.
Somers and Mallory were trying to race down the slide... and Mallory went completely sideways.
Alan was trying to rope the fake cattle behind Brendon, but caught Brendon instead :]
We were trying to find our way to the exit so we could get some hot chocolate and donuts... and we stumbled across the little kids princess section complete with a princess jump house and a fake horse drawn carriage. We got so excited we just had to take a picture in the carriage :]

Speaking of princesses, we may soon know one! One of my visiting teachers, Macey, who lives in the other basement apartment in Penrose, has an interview on Halloween with someone from Disney, and she's going to audition to be Sleeping Beauty at Disney World. She'd be perfect for it-she's obsessed with Disney and she just looks and acts like a Disney princess! She's been coming over frequently and practicing her princess wave and pretending to be a princess for us because she's so nervous for her audition.

On other cool news, one of Mallory's friends who lives in Salt Lake, was hired a couple of months ago to be a model. This got him some connections, of course. On November 21st in Salt Lake, Stephenie Meyer will be hosting a huge Twilight Movie Premiere, at which there will be hired actors/models who will pretend to be the characters from the books. And guess who Mallory's friend will be? Edward Cullen. So Mallory was pretty excited when she heard that she will (hopefully) know TWO fictional characters. How cool is that? And if he ever comes to visit, I can say the same :]

Anyways, this week is going to be a lot of fun. After all, Halloween is this Friday, and so we've decided that every night we're going to watch a scary movie to get into the spirit of Halloween. I just bought my Halloween costume today. Well, most of it. We decided that we're going to do a group costume- we're going to be the Clue characters. I'm Miss Scarlet (of course, since red is my favorite color), and so I just bought a red dress at the DI today. I still need some stuff to dress it up a bit, because it's a very plain dress--what more can you expect from DI? :]

I'll post more later!


Monday, October 27, 2008

Weekend Pics

Alright, so here's some pictures from this weekend. There are still more to come from McKenzie, but these are what I have from Somers.

These three were taken before we went to play sock hockey in Payton. We got all dressed up in crazy socks and war paint (aka eyeliner) and had fun posing. Of course, we didn't realize we'd be carving pumpkins and hanging out at Dustin's for about 2 hours before we'd actually play sock hockey, and so we looked like ginormous dorks next to McKenzie's other friends dressed normally :]
This was before we left for sock hockey. McKenzie was supposed to come at 5:30, but ended up being 2 hours late... and I fell asleep in the meantime and Somers had fun taking pictures of me crashed on my messy bed.
This was taken at Bombay House while we were waiting for our food. Yeah. We're kind of crazy. Mallory looks like she's about to burst into tears. :]

And that's it for now. Once I get the pictures from McKenzie I'll put more up.


Sunday, October 26, 2008

Weekend Fun

Well, this weekend has been a blast. It started off really slowly, because both Krista and Julie went home to Idaho... :(

Krista's sister got married yesterday, which is pretty exciting! So she went home for the wedding, and Julie hitched a ride with Jackson back home to see her family, since she's seen them literally twice in the last five months (because she was working in New Mexico all summer). Julie invited me to come up with her and stay at her house for the weekend, which would have been a lot of fun, but I felt bad leaving Somers and Mallory by themselves. Somers couldn't go because she had to take an exam yesterday, and Mallory had a lot of work she needed to get done, so they both opted to stay home.

And so Somers and I took Krista to the shuttle that would take her to Idaho on Thursday and said goodbye, and then saw Julie and Jackson off on Friday. It was really quiet in the apartment once they were both gone, and we thought the weekend was never going to end.

Somers, Mallory, and I went out to dinner to Bombay House on Friday night, because I'd been whining so much about how much I missed Indian food :] They were daring enough to come with me and try it, and surprisingly enough, they liked it. They've even said they would like to go back again soon (but with a bigger group this time, since it can get a little pricey). I ordered one of my favorites--Saag Paneer, which is basically homemade cheese in a curry-like sauce. And both Somers and Mallory ordered Coconut Lamb Kurma, which is basically lamb in a coconut milk curry. The waiters there were all very funny and amiable, and liked to talk to us. All in all, it was a lot of fun.

Scott asked us earlier if we would like to go play broom hockey with him and his roommates, because they needed more team members. Unfortunately, they were leaving for the ice rink just as we got our check, and we were too late to go. :(

Saturday morning I woke up to the sound of my phone at 11:20 :) Since Julie was in Idaho, that left Scott with no one to go with to the football game. So we hurried to get ready in ten minutes and Scott came over and then we headed to Legends Grille, where they have the BEST chocolate mousse pie ever, and they have a million different tv screens to watch the game on. The game was definitely frustrating, so there was a lot of yelling coming from Scott, Mallory, and I. :) Somers showed up for the last five minutes of the game becasue she'd gone to the library for four hours (blech!) and then taken her exam.

Later, McKenzie came and picked us up to take us to play sock hockey with some of her friends and siblings in Payton. We stopped at Dustin's house first, and it was so weird being back in an actual HOME. Somers, Mallory, and I were having a bit of a culture shock from being inside a house and being surrounded by little kids. McKenzie's and Dustin's little siblings are so cute! Dustin made some homemade rootbeer for us, and McKenzie made peanut butter popcorn (which was surprisingly addicting), and then Dustin made this candy called Divinity that was REALLY good. We decided to have a pumpkin carving contest, because one of McKenzie's friends had given her 14 pumpkins, and so we picked names out of a hat for our partners, and I got paired up with Riley, Dustin's 10 year old brother.

Afterwards we all drove over to their church building and played sock hockey in the gym (basically just hockey, but you wear socks so that you slip all over the place).

It was a lot of fun playing, and we had several wipeouts. I collided with Dustin and his twin brother, Dallen, many times and we'd all go flying. McKenzie's little brother (who is absolutely adorable!) was always slipping and getting knocked over, so he was almost always on the ground, and usually right where the puck was too, so there'd be hockey sticks trying to get the ball away from him while he practically sat on it. :]

We went back to Dustin's afterwards and he showed us the preschool he, his brother, and his dad built above their house for their mom to teach in. It was so amazing! They'd built a little wooden fort in there, and it was one of the most awesome preschools I have ever seen! I'm amazed that just the three of them built the entire thing.

We then went to McKenzie's house to drop off her siblings, since it was WAY past their bedtime (1:20). We met her mom, who is really nice, and we got a little tour of the area where McKenzie and Dustin grew up. It's such a cute little town. It's not very big, and there's not too many roads, but there's hills that go on forever and the stars were really bright since there weren't too many lights around. McKenzie drove us along the road where they filmed the scene in Footloose where they play chicken, and she showed us their high school, where they also filmed Footloose.

All in all, it was a lot of fun. McKenzie told us that she did this kind of stuff practically every weekend and then this weekend she was thinking and was like, I should invite my roommates to come with me! They never get to be in a normal house and they can come hang out with us. We've already made plans to go camping in Payton not this weekend, but the next.

We took a lot of pictures, but alas, I did not take any on my camera since there were already so many being used. :] So once I get the pictures from Somers and McKenzie, I'll put them up.


Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Halloween Party/Makeup Galore

Well, this past weekend was busy busy busy... at least, it was for my brush and I. Our stake Halloween party was this past Saturday, and I was recruited to do my roommates' makeup for their costumes. Not just any makeup, but costume makeup, of which I have NO experience with. I spent many hours with each of them, experimenting and trying to find something that looked at least halfway decent with their costumes. And what better costume for me, who had no time to find one, can there be besides a makeup artist? And so I quickly hurried to get ready, do my OWN makeup, and then rushed to finish everyone else's. I had a two hour block of time for this, because we had our first cleaning check (for REAL this time) at 5, and the party started at 7. So really, less than two hours. We ended up being an hour late... :]

Here's Krista as a pretty little fairy... You can't tell in the picture, but she's absolutely COVERED in glitter. And those wings ended up getting annoying during the dance, because she kept hitting everyone in the face with them. We all came to the conclusion that wings+dances=bad idea.
Here is the lovely Mallory as Moaning Myrtle. I think she wins hands down in terms of best costume. She was so funny, because she'd try to get into character, but then start laughing. Krista took a great picture of her sitting in her room in the dark in front of her laptop, so the light was shining on her pale face and she was just glaring at us. Best picture ever! I wish I had it...
Julie was a celebrity... no celebrity in particular, just a celebrity. She actually ended up wearing my pair of gold knee high boots instead of the shoes in this picture. Her makeup was the easiest to do, because it was really light and just normal everyday makeup instead of costume makeup.
Here's me as a makeup artist... Oh yeah. Such a creative costume. I have some makeup brushes in my back pocket...
Somers as Batman... or Batgirl... there were actually quite a few people who dressed up as Batman. Somers was very sad that she wasn't the only Batman. There were also three Jokers and one Scarecrow. The Scarecrow guy was the best in my opinion. He had the bag exactly right and everything! And the Joker that he was with the was the best Joker out of the three of them. :]
Here's our group all together before we left for the party...
We met up with Scott at the party... His shirt says "I'm cool." That was his costume. :]
McKenzie didn't come to the party with us--she was with Dustin, her boyfriend, while he was getting his wisdom teeth removed. Ouchies. However, last weekend Dustin took her to Salt Lake City for dinner as a belated birthday present, and she had me do her makeup and help her get ready. We went to the mall to pick out an outfit and find accessories, and she asked me for all sorts of tips on how she should do her hair and whatnot. It's weird--my apartment seems to think I'm some sort of fashion guru and so they come ask me for tips. It's definitely flattering, but also slightly amusing that they all come running to me when they need help deciding what to wear. I asked them why they thought I knew so much and the general response was, "Well, you dress nicely, you can do makeup well, and you live in California." I didn't know what the correlation between California and me being fashionable was, but then they said, "That's where all the celebrities are, and Californians know a lot more about fashion." I kind of laughed and kindly explained to them that they were probably thinking of Beverly Hills, which was nowhere near where I lived, and just because I'm from California doesn't mean I know a whole lot more about fashion. They all just kind of shrugged and replied with, "Well, it seems like Californians are more in touch with the latest styles, and that makes you our fashion expert." It's actually kind of intimidating, what with them thinking I'm so in touch with what's stylish. It makes me want to never walk around in sweatpants... :]

Speaking of California, at Ward Prayer on Sunday, they made an announcement towards the end asking for all the people in our ward from California to please see the second counselor, Brother Steffenson, because we had some... issues. That earned a bunch of laughs from the ward. My roommates all looked at me and were like, I wonder what THAT'S about... So at the end of ward prayer I go over with the seven other Californians, and we all sit in a circle and Brother Steffenson starts off with, "Well, obviously you know what we're going to talk about." It turned out that Orem needed five Californian volunteers to go to some center and make calls to people in California and talk about Prop 8 and the effects it will have on everyone if it's not approved. During this discussion though, Brother Steffenson wanted to know what cities we were all from, because he's from LA and was curious. It turns out that there's a few people who actually live relatively close to Fremont... There was a girl was from Fresno, a guy from Modesto, a girl from Lodi (which is where I went to band reviews every year), and a guy from Sacremento. We were all kind of excited to learn that some of us had been to each other's cities before... I was the only one who'd been to ALL of them. Of course, NO ONE knew where Fremont was... even though it's like, the second largest city in all of California, square-footage-wise.

Anyways, that was our weekend. Somers made this DELICIOUS homemade chicken pot pie. It's her mother's "secret" recipe, so she won't give it to us. Boo. :]

And now I should be studying for my physics exam I have to take tonight. I'll write more later!


Saturday, October 18, 2008

Nocturnality and Goats

Well, this week has definitely been interesting. I've been sick for about two weeks now, and this week I somehow became nocturnal... Weird, and it didn't really work to my advantage, since all of my classes are during the day... I've also discovered that I can no longer fall asleep on my bed first--I have to fall asleep on our tiny little uncomfortable couch first (don't ask me why, I have no idea), and then when it hits about 4 AM I wake up and am so out of it that I wander to my own bed and am able to fall asleep. I think part of the reason I can't fall asleep in my bed to begin with is because its hard like a ROCK since it's frozen... Anyways, this week has been full of short days and long nights... The past two days have been particularly hard because my roommates and I have been trying to get me back on a regular sleeping schedule... they won't let me take a nap during the day, and so they figure this will make me more tired at night and I'll fall asleep... and for some weird reason it doesn't work. Once it hits about 11, I'm wide awake until 3. Odd, I know. :]

However, I am noticing that I'm able to go to sleep a bit earlier now, and that's a good sign. Also, I sound funny because my voice keeps cracking. Whoot! My roommates enjoy that a lot. :]

Today, or rather, yesterday since it's now Saturday, I spent literally 3 hours doing makeup. Tonight is our ward Halloween costume party, and all of my roommates wanted me to experiment with makeup so that we'll be ready to go today. Somers is going to be Batman--she bought a little kid's batman costume at Walmart complete with a plastic puffed up chest. It does come with a mask... but we're only allowed to have half of our face covered at the party, and so I will be creating a mask of sorts with makeup... Krista is going to be a fairy and wanted elaborate makeup with a lot of glitter, and so we had fun playing around with that. Julie and I are actually part of each other's costumes, along with Scott and Jackson. Julie is a celebrity, I am her makeup artist, and Scott and Jackson are the paparazzi. Cheap and simple, which is what we wanted. We just came up with the idea yesterday. :] And Mallory will be Moaning Myrtle from Harry Potter. I have yet to play around with her makeup, so we'll see how that goes today.

We also have our first cleaning check today at 5, so we'll be cleaning like crazy for most of the day. Right after our cleaning check we'll hurry and get ready for the party and then go, and that lasts until about 11 I believe.

Yesterday after playing around with makeup, we went over to Broadbent hall where Scott lives and played different versions of pool for a while, which was pretty fun. And then we played speed scrabble, which I am HORRIBLE at. I'm amazed at how much I like playing games here though--I've never been a big fan of playing games until I came here, and now we play games all the time!

When we came home around 1:20ish, we were planning on having another slumber party in our kitchen, but before we could pull our mattresses out and move all the furniture to the other side of the kitchen, Julie and Krista both fell asleep. And so Somers decided to go to sleep, which left Mallory and I wondering what we should do because we weren't tired at all. And McKenzie has been gone since Thursday afternoon because she went home early for the weekend. Mallory and I ended up watching Transformers, which I fell asleep in a ton of times, and that just finished about twenty minutes ago, which is probably the only reason I am still awake. I definitely won't be waking up until at least 11 today. :]

Anyways, I thought I'd post this video that we took at our last slumber party in the kitchen that I find rather hilarious. Julie worked over the summer at Filmont, a Boy Scout camp in New Mexico, and they had three goats they took care of. Which is what started this...

Mind you, this was taken at about 2:30 in the morning and we were all very tired. Very, very tired. :]

And now I shall finally go to sleep and not wake up until much, much later. :]


Wednesday, October 15, 2008

BYU Crime Reports (and other fun stuff)

Hello all!
Well, as you know, crimes are committed everywhere--even at BYU. In yesterday's campus newspaper, I found the Police Beat section to be very intriguing and thought I'd share a little bit of it with you...

Welfare Check
Police received a call reporting a woman walking near the Bell Tower in shorts and no shoes at 9:45 pm. The woman was gone when police arrived. (It was about 25 degrees outside at that time... what I find funny about this one is that my roommates and I have done that already... I wonder if we got reported for suspicious behavior... :] )
Suspicious Activity
Police received a call reporting a masked female near the Harris Fine Arts Center who was scaring individuals. (I think she was bored and was scaring people for fun :] )
A concerned observer reported a suspicious male in the HBLL quad at 5:45 pm. When police questioned him, he said he was Free Running, a game where people run fast toward the corners of buildings or other structures and attempt to climb them without assistance and flip or jump. The suspect was a 26 year old male visitor who said he'd learned of the game on YouTube. Police directed him to go Free Run somewhere else.
Disorderly Conduct
A 27 year old former BYU student was causing a disturbance at the football game by spitting on people.

Yeah.... BYU has some pretty amusing crime reports. I think the Free Running one wins hands down in terms of the dumbest police report. What I find most amusing about these is that people actually REPORT them to the police... :]

Well, I figured I should probably put up a picture of each of the people who will be featured on my blog the most, that way you know who I'm talking about... :]
This is Jackson. He's Krista and Julie's friend from high school in Idaho Falls, and he's over at our apartment practically every day because he lives off campus with his brother and four other guys that are a lot older than him (one of which is engaged), and he gets bored out of his mind over there. He brought us a lovely TV so we could watch football games and the Office, and he also drives us wherever we need to go, which is really handy. He doesn't normally dress like this. :] We went to DI and I made him see if the jacket would actually fit. Surprisingly enough, it did, and we thought it was one of the funniest things we'd ever seen. :]This is the loverly Mallory from Wyoming, Minnesota. She's absolutely crazy. And so much fun. She also introduced Somers and I to Love You Long Time, a band that we now listen to nonstop thanks to her.
This is Julie and Krista. Julie on the left, Krista on the right. They live about twenty minutes away from each other... and are in completely different stakes. They went to the same high school and weren't best friends then, but decided to room together when they heard they'd both be coming to BYU. Now they're practically inseperable. Julie's most quoted phrase is "Seriously? SERIOUSLY? Wow. WOW." We make fun of her for it ALL the time, but now we find ourselves saying it out of habit, of which she finds endless amusement. :]
This is McKenzie. She lives about twenty minutes from campus and has a whole hoard of friends from high school attending BYU, as well as a job, so we don't get to see too much of her. Her boyfriend, Dustin, has a twin brother that looks just like him, and they love to confuse us whenever they come over. In this picture, she's scrubbing down the shower curtains... Krista told us it was our cleaning check on this day, and so we all scrambled around, cleaning every last inch of the apartment for four hours, only to find out that it was not, in fact, our cleaning day, and our entire ward was on a temple trip and we'd just cleaned for nothing. Our actual cleaning check is THIS friday. :]
This is Alden, who is also from Idaho. He lives not too far from Idaho Falls, which Julie and Krista found really amusing. They discovered that he went to their ultimate rival school (which, they tell us, is ranked number 1 nationwide for being the biggest high school rivalry). Krista is now dating him, and so he's frequently over at our apartment.
This is Scott, from New Mexico. He's in the ROTC program here for the Air Force, along with his roommate Alex. Scott is now dating Julie, after bonding over reminiscing about New Mexico (Julie worked in New Mexico over the summer at a Boy Scout camp and fell in love with New Mexico). He frequents our apartment as well. And he makes really good chocolate chip cookies. He loves to cook, so he's always experimenting and uses us as the guinea pigs. We don't mind. :] He also takes us shopping... poor guy. However, he DID discover where the couches are in University Mall the first trip, so now it isn't too bad for him. I just give him my iphone so he can look up football teams while we shop. :]
Somers, my lovely roommate from Flower Mound, Texas. She tells me there's not really any flowers... there's just a mound with weeds. She's always falling down on our floor for some reason or another... In this picture she actually bent over to pick up something and hit her head on the desk, fell over, and then pouted for a good twenty minutes. I just had to take pictures. :]

And that's everyone!



After weeks and weeks of trying to find time to be able to email everyone, I finally had an epiphany at 1 AM... I could just create a blog where you could ALL go to see what I'm up to! And so I'll try to keep this updated with pictures and little blurbs about what's going on with me here in Utah. :]

Well, for those of you who don't know, it decided to snow here this past weekend. I was QUITE unprepared for the sudden drop in temperature, especially when I discovered that my tempurpedic mattress and pillow literally FREEZE when it gets cold. And so now my bed and my pillow are solid as a rock, which can create a very uncomfortable place to sleep. So I have been frequenting the couch in our "living room"... :]

Well, my roommates and I have had some pretty crazy times. We all get along really well, which is wonderful, because we don't care about making fools of ourselves with each other! Here's some pics of some of the more wild times we've had. :]

This was taken this past weekend. Somers, Mallory, and I went to the local Love You Long Time concert, where we also heard The Brobecks and Seve vs. Evan open for them. The dress for the concert was 80s style because they were filming a music video! So my hands MAY appear in a music video sometime soon... Mallory won hands down in terms of costume. Her makeup was amazingly ridiculous, complete with a fake mole on her cheek. :]

This photo was taken two weekends ago. Mallory and Somers were both very bored on a Friday night... and so they decided to play dress up, and I was kidnapped and dressed like a doll by Mallory. Mallory's outfit was by FAR the best. Her wardrobe is just perfect for going crazy!

This was a few weekends ago. We moved all of the furniture from our living room/kitchen to one side the room and then laid out blankets and pillows to watch a movie (on a very tiny laptop screen that half of us couldn't see). In this picture starting from the left and working to the back are: Derek, Matt, Melissa, Bethany, Julie, and Scott. And in the front from left to right are Somers, Krista, and Alden.

And this was the other side of the kitchen :]

We pride ourselves on being very smart in our apartment... After our movie, we were so tired, we decided we didn't want to haul all of the blankets and pillows back into our rooms. And so instead, we hauled three mattresses into the kitchen to make one big bed we could all sleep on... which probably ended up being a lot more work than just picking up the blankets and pillows. :]

This was one of our more brilliant weekends. On Friday night, Somers and I sat outside talking to Jackson (on the far right) until 4:30 in the morning... and then realized we had no keys to get back into our apartment. We ended up knocking on Mallory and Krista's windows to wake them up to let us in. And then Saturday night, we decided we were too lazy to make dinner for ourselves, so Julie, Scott, Jackson, Somers, and I all hopped on the bus bound for Orem and had a lovely dinner at Mimi's Cafe. However, we forgot to check the bus schedule to see when the LAST bus would leave for Provo... and missed it. So we were stranded in Orem for a good hour before Scott's roommate, Peter, came and rescued us with a nice toasty heater to warm us up after sitting at the bus stop for an hour.

This was at the BYU vs UCLA game. BYU creamed UCLA 59 to nothing!!!
from left to right: me, Julie, Somers, Krista (Scott is taking the picture)

My roommates recently discovered that I like to do people's hair and makeup... And so in the past week I have been busy doing makeup and hair for parties and homecoming and dates. This picture was actually taken a few weeks ago when Krista asked me to do her makeup for a freshman party we were attending. Below is a picture of the finished product, and in the bottom right picture I am in the process of curling and pinning up Julie's hair for homecoming.

My roommate, Somers, and I get along really well. We're complete polar opposites: I love the colors black and red-she loves cream and light blue, I like music and art-she likes football and running, I enjoy listening to harder rock, she listens to lighter rock and country (blech!). We frequently have music battles where she turns up her country music really loud just to rile me up, and I'll in turn crank up the volume and blast Evanescence or Three Days Grace. She's a creative chef, I make boxed dinners (SOMETIMES I get creative... I don't always eat out of a box :] ). Yet despite all of our differences in fashion, music, and personality, we get along wonderfully. We are always teasing each other, laughing, or simply enjoying each other's company. After knowing her for only two days, we were already joking around as if we were sisters. We've actually had many people comment on how close we are, even for roommates, and we just smile and agree. After only a couple days of getting to know Somers, it feels like we've known each other all our lives. She's one of the coolest roommates I could have ever hoped for. :]

All of my roommates are really cool. We have tons of fun together and we've all gotten very close in such a short amount of time. I suppose when six girls are thrown into a tiny little apartment in a place where you don't know anyone, it's easy to bond quickly. This was taken our first weekend with the five of us here (our sixth roommate, McKenzie is usually gone on the weekends... she lives only 20 minutes away and likes to stay at home over the weekend). Krista and Julie (left and top) are both from Idaho Falls, Idaho and went to the same high school, so the two of them already knew each other. Mallory, to my immediate right, comes from Wyoming, Minnesota, and is a very crazy, spastic person that spices up any dull moment. She loves to make things awkward, and is absolutely loving the fact that it's getting colder now. Somers, to the far right, is from Flower Mound, Texas, near Dallas. She loves the simple, light look--I had a lot of fun when she gave me free reign to do her makeup one night (I fully took advantage of the 'free reign' part and used my darkest eyeshadow colors. It looked good, but she just about had a heart attack when she looked in the mirror and saw such dark colors on her face. She never wears more than a little coverup and light brown eyeliner).

These were taken this past Saturday during the homecoming game against New Mexico. McKenzie, her boyfriend, and his twin brother gave Somers, Mallory, and I their All-Sport Passes so that we could go to the game and so we got all ready in our winter gear (it was 34 degrees outside) and went to the game with Julie, Krista, and Scott... only to find out that in order to get into the game, they needed to print out tickets online for us. So after running around for a half hour trying to figure out if we could get the tickets printed, we discovered it was impossible without getting their passwords and netIDs... which we weren't going to ask them for. So we watched the game at home on our lovely TV that our friend Jackson brought us (I was complaining to him that we had no TV to watch the Office on, and he had an extra at home, which is three hours away, so on one of his weekend trips home, he picked it up for us). And notice the lovely hat I'm wearing... Julie crocheted it for me. It's the BYU colors and it has a Y on the side.

And it is now 2:42 AM and I need to get to sleep so I can wake up for class tomorrow! I'll post more later!
