Life is fairly exciting. And by fairly exciting, I mean, I have a generally hard time of recalling exactly how I fill up every day, but it happens somehow. I know I've been busy... I'm going to just claim I'm still having problems with my short term memory.
So remember when I said I was going to do all sorts of fun stuff the last time I wrote? Like going to a self-defense workshop and whatnot? Well that didn't happen. The workshop, I mean. We stayed up uber late and the next morning we didn't want to get up. I don't remember exactly what we were doing, but... we did something. Something eventful enough that I couldn't get out of bed the next morning.
Halloween week was another one of those weeks. We literally had multiple things to choose from every single night of the week? What happened? We went to one party on Friday night... and that was it. Man we're so awesome. Saturday night, the night that apparently the entire state of Utah celebrates Halloween on, we were planning to do all sorts of super cool stuff and be exciting and social and awesome. And then Saturday night actually came and we were like, ...anyone want to watch a movie instead? We ended up watching the Dark Knight because I did the makeup for one of my old home teachers, Nate Dallon, and he dressed up like the Joker.
Sunday night was pretty fantastic though. Nothing Halloween related, since Halloween had been like, officially moved to Saturday or something. But after doing all my visiting teaching (aren't I so on top of things? Visiting teaching on the very last day of the month), I took a lovely and much needed nap, and then went over to Windsor to make some Mississippi Mud brownies with Krista and two guys in our ward, Dan and Trevor. In Relief Society and Priesthood they always pass out boxes of cookies/brownies and the rule is that if you get one, you have to ask someone of the opposite sex to make them with you for dessert night that night. So it was me, Krista, Dan, and Trevor, and that was fairly entertaining. Then while they were in the oven, we watched It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown! A classic. It's been a while since I've actually sat down and paid attention to it, and I was highly amused to find out how political Charlie Brown is. I'd never caught any of the little things they threw in there before.
Afterward we headed downstairs to Tom's apartment where dessert night was being held, and chatted with people for a while. Ate a cookie... chatted some more... wrote nice notes that I wouldn't exactly describe as NICE notes, but rather amusing/funny notes. We have a box where you can write little notes to someone and stick it in the box and it will be delivered to people. They call it nice notes, cause the idea is you write about how much you appreciate the person, but no one actually does that. Okay, I'm sure someone does that. But MOST people don't do that, most people end up writing inside jokes or just something amusing instead. Trevor ended up deciding he wanted to hoard all the nice notes, so any girl who passed by he asked to write him one. I'm also fairly certain that's not how nice notes are supposed to work, but hey. In the end, he had the biggest pile of nice notes on his table and everyone else had one or two, so... I guess he got what he wanted.
We never actually brought the brownies to dessert night... it had started at 8:30 and the brownies wouldn't be done till 9, so we decided to keep them for ourselves. So after dessert night we headed back upstairs to their apartment and ate the brownies and chatted some more. I've discovered a new pastime... peeling vinyl off their walls. The guy who lived in their apartment before them (I knew him from our ward last year) was crazy into vinyl and whatnot and it's all over their kitchen and they hate it. Thing is, they have no nails because, well, they're guys. And they discovered that I have the perfect nails for ripping that stuff off, so I spent a good 20 minutes peeling vinyl off the walls. Which sounds like they were totally using me as slave labor or something, but I found it kind of satisfying to rip that stuff down. Also, I volunteered, and I don't think people normally volunteer for slave labor, so... there's that difference too.
After a good hour or so of chatting and pulling vinyl off the wall, one of my old visiting teachers, Rachel, and I headed back downstairs to visit Scott and Matt. We watched the premiere of The Walking Dead, a super sweet and intense zombie apocalypse tv show. It was pretty gruesome at times, but the makeup was phenomenal, and the show is really intriguing. I could have done without the scene of like, 50 zombies eating the inside of a horse, though. That was not so pleasant. But other than that, it was pretty sweet.
Now I just need to get through this week's two tests, a paper, and preschool observations, and then I'll be all set for Disney World next week!!! I am so ridiculously excited. It's about all I can talk about. :)
Oh right, these preschool observations. So for my human development class, I have to do 90 minutes of observations of 3 preschool children. Apparently in the Family Science labs they just have a bunch of preschoolers playing around and you can come and sit in a booth and look through a two way mirror. Apparently you can also get a pair of headphones so that you can specifically listen to a particular child's conversations. Kind of creepy, eh? They'll have no idea I'm watching them. I'm like Big Brother... or Big Sister... but Big Sister doesn't sound as intimidating as Big Brother. Anyways, I have to watch these kids for 90 minutes and observe their behavior and then write a paper on it. Pretty cool, no?
Speaking of kids, I've started babysitting Karl, Julie's baby, on Fridays. Fridays used to be super boring because everyone was at class and I had nothing to do but clean. Now I get to hold a baby for like, four hours. It's infinitely better than what I used to do. Last Friday Karl and I took a lovely nap together. He was fast asleep, and Julie went to Target for a while, so we ended up just taking a nap, with Karl lying on my chest. Cutest thing ever. And best nap ever. :)
So lately I've started to notice my behavior/preferences changing, and Matt pinpointed exactly what it was. But lately I've been in this frantic "everything must be CLEAN!" mode, and when the apartment is a mess I get all fidgety and agitated until I go through and just clean everything. And then I'll usually bake something right after that. Also, I've started liking pink a lot. Anyone who knows me knows I don't generally like pink. But I REALLY like pink now. Maybe even more than red. Which is saying a LOT. Anyways, I've been in super cleaning mode and I spend a lot of my free time cleaning/organizing/baking/cooking. And someone was commenting on my behavior lately and Matt said, "You're just acting like a Mormon mom." And he's got a point. I keep getting into homemaker mode. Only thing is, I'm NOT a mom, so.... it just looks like crazy OCD compulsions. Oh well. At least it means our apartment is fairly clean most of the time. Actually, that's a lie. It surprises/frustrates me just how quickly our apartment turns into a disaster. And this past week I didn't clean every mess I saw and now our apartment is a complete disaster and this is what happens when I don't clean up. But in my defense, I shouldn't have to be cleaning up after them, they should clean up their own messes. But maybe they'll realize they need to since I've decided not to clean it up for them this time and our apartment is now revolting. :)
Well, pretty much all that's on my brain now is Disney World and Thanksgiving break. I am SO excited. I'm so exited I can't even possibly begin to describe it in words. That's how excited I am. I also realized that I will only be in Utah for like, a week and 5 days total this month. Which is pretty awesome in my book. I'm really tired of Utah lately. I want California and Florida all rolled into one. Is that possible? It should be. Cause that's what I want. :) But a week and 5 days also isn't very much time to get things done here. Like visiting teaching. Which I need to be super good about because I'm a visiting teaching supervisor. Also, I really like my teachees. They're both super awesome and I'd feel bad not visiting them. But I let them know how little I'll be in the state and they understand, so we'll see. Hopefully there will be some time to visit them. If not, I'll just make them some cookies and a note and drop them off. Everyone likes cookies more than a lesson, right? ;)
And now I've procrastinated studying for a test long enough, so I should get back to that. If I get this test done in the next few hours, I can begin one paper, finish it, and then start studying for my next test and get that over with on Friday. Since that's the first day the test is open. Then I won't have to worry about any tests next week except my geology rock ID final, which is sure to be super easy because my TA is letting me take the final right after our review... so... we'll have JUST gone over the rocks... and then I'll take the test... yeah. That worked out nicely. :) The final is technically scheduled for the 10th, but... that's when I fly out to Disney World. And my TA is super chill, so she was like, eh, you can just take it right after the review. So not only do I get to take my final on a different day, she just gave me a HUGE advantage. Thank you, TA. I love you too. :)
And that's about it for now. I'm sure I could ramble on a lot longer, but I really should study, and I'd feel bad for anybody who actually read all of my ramblings. I almost kind of feel sorry for anyone who reads all the way through to this point because I feel like this was really scattered and full of fairly useless information. Oh well. :)
Have a fantabulous day!
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